
CSG Market Forecasting & Trend Analysis

For All Retail & Foodservice Segments

With Chain Store Guide's retail & foodservice data we can create forecasting models that will give you a holistic view of the marketplace. CSG's powerful combination of deep data and 90+ years of experience gives our clients the data intelligence that is needed to develop effective sales and marketing strategies based on trend analyses, company financials, and various industry segments necessary to grow your business. We have the ability to forecast 5+ years using our proprietary logic algorithms which can predict broad scoped data such as industry trending or detailed information including anticipated store openings, revenue potential, competitive landscape and more.

Forecast analyses may include growth rates of sales or locations by company banner names, specific trade names, entire industries, and much more. We formulate forecasted information using a combination of company banner growth rates per state, linear trending, time series plotting, and over a decade of proprietary data.

Use CSG Forecast Modeling For:

  • Competitive Analyses
  • Site Selection/Planning
  • Industry Potential
  • And More

Contact us today and CSG's experts can build a forecasting model for you or provide your team with the data needed for your own analysis.